
Vermont Seniors Golf Association

Established in 1935

Become a VTSGA member today

Frequently Asked Questions

It's simple! Just click on the membership link and complete the new member application.
Sign in using your email address, then scroll down and click on the "Renew your membership" button.
Sign in using your email address, then scroll down and click on the "Enter an event" button.
Go to, then the payment center. Find your name in the transactions and click on refund. By the way, you can transfer your entry fee to another tournament if you'd like.
We know things come up and you may need to cancel. You could request a refund up to the day the tournament registration closes; which is typically a couple of days before the tournament.
Yes. All VSGA members must have a current GHIN handicap to particpate in any VSGA tournament. Please speak with your local PGA Pro if you need assistance with establishiing a handicap.
Sign in using your email address, then scroll down and click on the "Update your account information" button.
Absolutely. Sign in using your email address, then scroll down and click on the "Review your activity" button.
Yes you can, as long as they are a VSGA member in good standing. When you sign up for any VSGA event there is a place to make this type of request. The tournament director will do everything possible to honor your request.
You sure do. Anyone eighty years old or older receives free membership. Complete the application or renew your membership and we will take care of the rest.
You have a couple options. The results are posted on the website,usually within twenty four hours after the tournament. You can go back into on the website and see the results there.
We will post the results to GHIN.